Despite diet and exercise,nothing seems to affect the fatty deposits in your cheeks, chin, jawline, or neck as these areas do not usually respond to diet and exercise. Localized deposits of fat cells from the body can only be removed through facial liposuction surgery. The result is reshaping these bulging areas into more attractive and youthful facial contours.
Facial liposuction may be done alone in younger patients. However, a facial liposuction in older patients may have best results when done with a facelift, browlift, eyelid or nose surgery. This procedure is most advantageous with the addition of chin or cheek implants for a better definition.
Improve the shape of your face using tube and vacuum device to remove unwanted fat deposits that don’t respond to dieting and exercise. Location includes chin, cheeks, and neck.
One to four hours depending on extent of surgery.
General or local with sedation.
Usually outpatient.
Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, soreness, burning sensation.
Infection. Excessive fluid loss may lead to shock. Fluid accumulation. Injury to the skin. Rippling and bagginess of the skin. Asymmetry. Pigmentation changes (may become permanent if exposed to the sun.)
Complete rest for 24 hours after surgery is recommended.You will wear a snug elastic dressing over the treated area for a few days. Over the counter pain medications may betaken along with cold packs for a few days. You mayresume your normal activities within one to two weeks. More strenuous activities: two to four weeks. Swelling and bruising: one to six months or more.
Permanent with sensible diet and exercise. Facial liposuction takes away fat cells permanentyto improve facial contour.
You are if you are in good physical health and have excess localized fatty deposits in your face and neck that is bothering you. You must also have good skin elasticity and realistic expectations.